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2022 [Women] Zoé Cerutti Discussion Paper

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조회 314 Views 작성일 22-10-17 17:55


Taking into Account Climate Crisis in the Protection of Women Victims of Violence

Zoé Cerutti  International Project Manager, International Observatory on Violence against Women 

Climate change has consequences on different scales, not only environmental, but also social, economic and health-related. Climate crisis impacts women disproportionately compared to men. Indeed, it is generally women who will be the first to be impacted by the destruction of their ecosystem, requiring them, for example, to travel further each day to collect water or feed their families. It is also known that 80% of the people displaced because of disasters and climate change in the world are women and girls.




Local authorities, as the first places of proximity for public policies, have a fundamental role to play in the protection and support of women victims of violence as well as in the prevention of such violence. It is essential to think about this protection but also the prevention of this violence by taking into account the local specificities and the impacts of the climate crisis at the local level. Through this presentation, we will present the actions of the Seine Saint Denis Department (France) at the local level but also at the international level to move towards better protection of women.   
