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2022 [Human Rights Activists Network Workshop] SEO Changho Discussion Paper

페이지 정보

조회 305 Views 작성일 22-10-19 11:58


Fight Against Climate Crisis : Let’s Start from the Demands of Community, Citizens, or Victims!


SEO Changho  Standing Activist at Protesting against Poverty & Discrimination Solidarity for Human Right 

It is natural that local governments, especially cities, who are the biggest stakeholders of climate change, come forward to solve the problem on their own. It is also natural that cities take the lead in reducing greenhouse gas emissions as about 70% of the world's greenhouse gases are emitted from cities. 




To this end, civic groups in Daegu are calling for temporary air-conditioned residential housing for the residents living in compact houses as a specific example of the local government's policy to tackle the heat wave and climate crisis. In addition, the civic groups are fighting to enact ordinances for the human rights and housing rights of the compact house residents, along with projects to inform of the civic society's demands to tackle the climate crisis. 
